Doomfist vs His Counters
New doomfist main here, had alot of help from my previous post comments and applied it in comp + quick play which led me getting 4 POTGS.
However in one comp match the enemy team was playing roadhog, which many consider him to be a "counter". everytime i try to dive to his team and ignore him, i get hooked instantly and the rest of his team just shreds me while i try to slam away. i cant outbrawl roadhog either.
I ended up being forced to swap to junker instead, but i wish to learn how to play against counters instead of running from my counters.
Things i tried: Punching hog out of map (got uno reversed, he either hooked me along with him or just hooks me out of the map.)
Tried to brawl with hog: He ate everything i dished out and i have to retreat.
Tried to target his backline and get out with slam: Had some success but hog instantly notices and hooks me when i try to escape.
Is there really not much you can do against Hog? are they other gameplans against doom's "counter" as well? like Mauga, Orisa or even maybe zarya (this depends on teamwork, i have beaten zaryas with doom before but have lost badly too.)