A small diy gift from my wife
[request] how long would it take me to crack this code to open the door
March 2022, Ordinary russian students of the 'Kazan State Institute of Culture University' in a shopping mall in russian Kazan chanting their support to the second invasion of Ukraine [More context in the comments.]
What’s a quote from ASIP you say a lot?
The topography of Lithuania
lDF taking new year pic with detained paIestinians
Please hear me out:
Daycare‘s been closed for two weeks now.
Anyone know this cocktail?
[Request] I thought about it and decided it can’t be that simple. Sorry if I’m wrong. (The question is the first sentence in the ai result)
Nice try, Google AI. I made a quick google search to refresh my memory on what episode this line was from...
Could someone please explain the appeal of these horrible black box houses that somehow have become a staple of modern architecture?
Home cocktail classics - how strict are you?
[Newest Version] States Where Pornhub Will be Blocking Access as of January 1, 2025
Is this a modification?
Created a cocktail menu for my wife
JWST revealed the MOST DISTANT fully-formed spiral galaxy
Historical Regions of Europe [v1.2]
"CLEAR L" in Ukrainian dialects
What are some movies with great fight scenes?
Difference between average male and female BMI by country, as of 2014
Does your country have a landlocked subdivision?
Steele Canvas Laundry bag rusting
cocktail ideas for truffle gin?